Friday, April 3, 2015

Funky Town in Cantonese

Peace, prosperity and stability, that is Hong Kong.  The first half of this video is Queens Road Central, that after 35 years looks exactly the same, down to the rolling stock.  Toward the middle the scenes of the housing behind the high rises shows run-down buildings... they've all be refurbished.  All set to Funky Town, in Cntonese.

About halfway the view is of Wanchai, which they renovated and built out with the new exhibition center.

The Pen and the YMCA are still there... just like Hong Kong, the finest hotel in Asia and the YMCA Hotel are side by side.

The narrator seems to be comparing Hong Kong 1978 with perhaps 35 years before that.  Again not much change.  The boats are still there...

Hong Kong has five times the billionaires per capita as USA, and anyone who wants to work can work.  The government is extremely weak, therefore personal responsibility is strong.  Taxes are extremely low, indeed most people never pay any taxes, since they never meet the threshold.  It is amazingly safe place to be.  the government is not trusted with the currency, private companies issue the currency, and no one owns any land, not permitted.  Hong Kong and USA were started at the same time with the same philosophy and system.  Hong Kong pretty much stayed true to its roots (radical)...  USA has altered so much, too much.

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Anonymous said...

Can I visit Hong Kong only speaking English? Is it necessary to learn Cantonese to get around in Hong Kong?

John Wiley Spiers said...

I've been visiting Hong Kong since '77 speaking only English, and you will be most welcome and have zero problems. Visit! Soon!


Anonymous said...

That's good to know. But I think I will learn a little conversational Cantonese anyway to be able to order food from a restaurant menu. I want to know what I'm eating.

John Wiley Spiers said...

No, you don't.


Anonymous said...

What is the "No" referring to?

That learning cantonese is too hard and not worth it?

...or, it's better to not know what's on the menu?(everything tastes like chicken?!).

Anonymous said...

Are Singapore and Hong Kong similar regarding business opportunities, trade shows, etc.?