Thursday, May 21, 2015

I Just Know This Will Sell

On May 20, 2015, at 9:10 AM, KL wrote:
     I searched for the product due to a lack of it in the USA market. It's natural health effects are well known to health conscious consumers buying the product. The harvesting location and trace minerals make it superior to most competitors on the market. Many claim to be pure and full of trace minerals, but are stripped during the refining process. There are dozens of benefits of the product which is why I searched the best source. We have tests to confirm this as well.
***So you have a hypothesis you can test...***
   As of now, they sell great in the EU and just happened to be looking to break into the US market when I contacted them. I'm passionate about health and study it as a hobby. This is where my understanding of health will assist me in marketing it to health conscious customers.
***good, passion and joy...***
   Distributors will carry the item because it is unique and again has up to 90 trace minerals which many are not found elsewhere. The process is all green and is over 250 yrs old. 
***this is a hypothesis... to be tested...***
   So again my value is in my knowledge of health and people always telling me to open a health food store. I decided to deal with import/export of health/all-natural products. 
***Non sequiter...  you are talking yourself into this product...  when you should be testing a hypothesis...***
   I asked the owners for the leads as a start to get product flowing. I'm now trying to decide on whether to approach the leads directly or get a distributor. I plan on approaching stores local to me as you mention in your book and videos. Should i use a distributor for NY are or deal with the clients myself?
*** Too early to say...***
   We have a MOQ of 1 pallet to make it cost effective as of now and I"m waiting on my customs broker for better quotes. I would have to have it shipped here first and break it up myself for smaller orders in NY which is why I was thinking of a Distributor out there. Thanks
*** Your job is to directly make offers to retailers now....  say one pallet is $2500 worth landed, and you are selling for $5000.  Say your minimum order is $125 worth.  Then you need 40 orders at $125 wholesale each to cover the suppliers minimum, in a workable amount of time.  This is how you test your hypothesis.  If you can, then you may have  business, and you can decide if you need distributors, or if you want to build your own company.  In any event, you'll be working with facts, not guesses. Right now it is all hazy guessing and running too far ahead of yourself...

Do a valid and reliable market test, at no expense and risk to you, and discover whether this is something to pursue.

Make sense?


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