Sunday, September 27, 2015

Macau Trade Show Biz Down 20%

One of the games of the trade show business is to sell the "national pavilion."  In this all of the sellers from a nation gather in one expensive but highly subsidized booth.  The Show hosts clean up, and the exhibitors get huge subsidies so it seems like a win win except for the taxpayers and, one would assume, for the competitors who do not get the subsidies.

Well, two problems for those who take the subsidies:

1.  Consistently over the years,  one of the top three complaints of buyers is exhibitors in the conglomerated national booth are out of what would be their natural location in a trade show, making the appointment inconvenient for the buyer.  Further, given competition imperatives, having a country's buyers and sellers congregating leads to constraints not otherwise present.

2.  Yes, the subsidies can run an generous 50% rebate on all expenses, but 50% of $20,000 is $10,000, and you can stage an effective booth and travel etc for far cheaper than that on your own.

Governments have run out of credit, and have started cutting back.  Very bad news for those whose business model depends on such subsidies.  For those who never sought out the subsidies, it will not matter much one way or another.

Let the cuts begin.

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