Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Usury In India

If mis-defined as charging some high fee, usury is outlawed in India, but it goes on.
While some claimed that even now the usury menace continued with the support of local police and government officials, others argued that with no banks or private firms ready to lend them money without collateral security, usury was a ‘necessary evil’ that helped them survive.
Mustn't outlaw usury, just delegitimize it among the hegemon workers. If there is no force to back up the fraud, then it will evaporate, when the money gain is no longer enforced.

Some of the victims plead they need the abuse, and they would the first to not pay interest.  They are the first to focus on the loan and interest, and in that measure they do not hear their customers.  Listen to their complaint: "When we have low sales.... we get into trouble..."

No, you ordered fruit based on overhead costs, not market needs....  "I need to borrow this much to buy this much to sell this much to make a profit."  Sell out of what you can afford to buy with your own resources, and wait out the others who are in a fools trap of borrowing at interest.

You'll win.

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