Sunday, October 25, 2015

Valid and Reliable Business Start-up Process

In a seminar Saturday a fellow who was inspired to attend based on the wealth of a neighbor who imported latex gloves, expressed perplexion over my orientation toward start-up beginning in passion and joy and creating something needed, vs simply trading in a commodity, as his neighbor does.  Why not just pick something off the shelf?

I've heard this often over the decades. The problem is the example of the latex gloves may be valid, but it is not reliable.  Ask the latex glove importer and his journey is so convoluted that there is no way you might reliably follow him to similar success.  Valid, but not reliable.

(Not to mention in some instances of apparent wealth, the true source is occult.  Given off the books profit opportunities, tax laws that make pretending at business quite advantage as well as earnestly working, there is no single example one might look at as a template for success, however you might define it.)

A process in which one became successful in latex gloves applies to that person and that product.  here is no sorting out what steps mattered, and which did not, nor discerning which variables might have had  some bearing on results.  Any given example may be mere survivorship bias.

Now as we know from Science 101 class, you'll recognize that establishing valid AND reliable is necessary to achieve scientific fact.  So any given example may be valid, but fails on reliability.

On the other hand, there is a process that is valid and reliable. The process does originate in something quite personal and subjective, what causes you to suffer, and then what solution gives you joy, but for the necessary shift to a thriving business you must embrace the science of marketing, and a scientifically valid and reliable process of getting there.  That is what I teach.  The objective steps, stripped of any bias, allows for a scientific approach, so you can use absolutely any product, service, agricultural item, or idea whatsoever and a the same time control for variables and thus save time and money getting to your goal.

In two weeks, November 3, I have a live online one-hour-a-week for 4 weeks seminar on export food start-up.  It is hard-core, run you through the steps, highly rated by past participants.  Sign up here and pay nothing now, you pay at your leisure.  Space it limited since the class is live.

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