Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Trillions Sloshing Around

J. K. Galbraith: ‘The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is the one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.’ Money, p. 5

Here I am trying to figure it out, and it turns out...  nobody knows.  New territory.  Mish summarizes -

Instead the BIS speaks of "dislocations", "unthinkables", "uneasy calm" and how "low interest rates fuel instability."
Yes, that's a pretty damning indictment of central bank policy. 

So yes, that much we know... the policy is nuts.

The Bionic Mosquito is relying on Tyler Durden and Dr. north for some ideas, and coming up with his own.  One factor...
...Fed will be helpless to raise rates with some $3 trillion in excess liquidity sloshing around,...
Well, "liquidity of what sort?  Certainly not cash, even funny money.  This has to be tallies, claims to pay...  whom for what?  Here is my rough draft of the problem...

this is a graph representing my memory of what Stockman, etc say, so if anyone has actual figures and breakdown plus can create an accurate (not my estimate) graph, I'd certainly show and credit it.  I'll use it in my next book, too.

But back to my point...  whatever happens, the end result is, whether fast or slow, when it ends. it will be at least in USA, if not worldwide, a conflict between those who believe they have claims on the productive capacity for promises made (welfare, corporate and otherwise, pensions, obligations, etc) and those who have title to the USA productive capacity (equity and bond holders).

You cannot squeeze blood out of a turnip.  But we have seen how the hegemon will parcel out assets.  The Exim bank was overwhelmingly re-authorized.  All banks first.  That is USA capitalism.

Your only safety area, come what may, is self employment.  Realize now you'll get nothing promised to you, and act accordingly.

I am.

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