Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Why We Hire Designers: Compete on Design

On one hand, even though we have the idea for the product or service, we need to hire designers for what they know and we do not.  On the other hand, we can hire designers for what they know and we do not.  It works both ways.  Here is a sound designer on concerts:
"But you have to remember that our hearing is not linear, meaning that 10 instruments will sound just twice as loud as 1, and 100 just twice as loud as 10. Combine the two and you have to realise that 100 instruments will sound just 4 times as loud as 1 - which explains why in a concerto the soloist (say a single violin) is perfectly audible "against" an entire orchestra (without having to tweak the sound with microphones and all that kind of stuff)."
Well.  If that is just one element that a sound artist knows and brings to a project, think of all the other things we do not know.  Designers are paid on royalties, and I have a simple royalty contract if you'd like a .pdf of the same.  Just email me ...

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