Tuesday, October 19, 1999

Re: Import Duties

<are so beautiful, there has to be a way to make them into something
which will sell here in the US. Clothing/fashion design scares me,
seems too quick to change, though kids clothes may be a possibility. I
have heard that the US places quotas and fairly high customs duties on
cotton cloth imports and that it depends alot on what is done with the
cloth. Sometimes it is prohibitive. Before going too much further,
where can I find out about this in more detail?>>

The answers are available from any customsbroker...but here is the
problem...why find an answer to the question if it is moot for want of a
customer? A beautiful fabric it seems is driving you to some
questions...where as I think it would be questions (problems you experience)
that ought to drive you to the problem..the problem to solve... if your
product was the result of a problem being solved, then there would be no
concern for customs' puny rules and regs, those of course would fall before
your creativity..it is always thus... do you see my point, you are moving
from resource to opportunity...so before you even have a customer, you are
asking what the rules are...first get a customer...if one cannot be found,
spare yourself the wasted effort.
