Friday, December 17, 1999

Re: Global Sourcing


I would just like to say I know this company, they are ex-students of mine.
But I don't know this company, so i can't. do you have a name?

Anyway, for my thouoghts, regardless of where they learned the trade: small
businesses in all those countries will celebrate a very happy chinese new
years due to the excellent sales to USA. A small company in USA has found
the best place in the world to find the various components of its product
that meets a need. The need is an assortment of cosmetics that enhance or
de-emphasize the appearance we were given by nature, making buyers happier.

I do hope they are charging high prices for their products so they are
well-compensated, and so they encourage others to make money delivering what
other people want.

And, happile, Seattle delivered the WTO a stunning blow, so the
central-planners will have to wait another year before they can write rules
to discourage small business and free trade. This has been a very good year

John Spiers