Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Trailing Bobber

Re: [spiers] Trailing Bobber

In a message dated 7/10/02 2:13:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time,


Hi John,

I am a little skeptical about this. First of all, is there actual proof that
this catches bass ( or anything else for that matter)? Secondly, wouldn't
the sound from the motor scare away any fishes? Doesn't sound travel seven
times faster in water and is much more pronounced than in anir because of the
density? Finally, the hook seems to be much too close to the motor itself.
Is a bass supposed to gulp the entire bait (motor and all)? I am thinking
that if the hook is put at a much greater distance it would solve the problem
of the sound scaring off the fishes, and allowing the bass or any other type
of fish to snatch the bait.

I'm not a fisherman so I may be wrong about these assumptions. Other than
that, I think with some minor modifications, this MAY be a hit.