Monday, November 3, 2003

Buy a Business

Good Morning John!

I am still classified as a pending member in the Yahoo group. I know I can
send emails and receive emails but there are other functions I cannot access as
a non-member. Just want to know if I'm missing anything. Anyways, here are
some questions:

1. My husband and I are thinking about buying a wholesale biz importing
homeware. How can you tell if the biz is financially viable?

2. The biz we are looking at has inventory of floor sample and a showroom.
Are those necessary? Where you do store your samples?

3. Many of the businesses are up for sale because the present owners are old
and could not keep up, I think these businesses need some new blood and a more
modern way of managing, how fast and frequent would you recommend introducing
changes? What is the most important change?

Alright, I hope you can reply at your earliest convenience. Please take care!

Warmly, Leigh