Monday, July 11, 2005

South Africa

Re: [spiers] South Africa

In a message dated 7/9/05 8:09:30 AM, writes:

<< I am wondering if one should be careful/concern with when importing
products that are produced in South Africa. Even if this product has the most
design and characters.

I remember in the 80's here in Seattle, Westlake square in downtown was using
brick pavement produced in South Africa. When the public found out, the
person who ordered the bricks got fired and the pavement had to be
re-done.......though it was a public project.

***that probably had more to do with people hoping to sell something to the
city twice than anything else...***

For private sector, in these day and age, is there anything that should be
concern with when importing from South Africa? How does the general public in US
view on South African products?

***Well, if your customers order the goods, and you have signed purchase
orders, they must be happy... I never know what the public thinks, nobody
we obviate the need to know by getting orders in advance... I love reading
the stock summary when the say the "DOW was down 45 points today as investors
engaged in profit-taking"... how could they possible know what was on the minds
of millions of investors...? Anyway, I believe we are happy for South
Africans right now...***
