Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Politics and Trade

Re: [spiers] Politics and Trade

On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 13:29:37 -0800 (PST), M A Granich wrote

> Well, maybe no formally structured government, but I
> guarantee Icelanders organized and cooperated for the
> common good of their community.
***Exactly, that is the history of it...***

> > Pre-Revolutionary Spiers were sailing merchants,
> > landowners, slave owners. Henry Spires
> > (the spellings changed often before Webster and
> > Johnson standardized spelling) was given a
> > land patent in Virginia for 100 acres by the King in
> > 1744, and John Speirs got 600 acres 80
> > years earlier.
> The same King that granted Henry Spires land also had
> Pyphoria, a liver disorder only treated by an Orphan
> drug that is not profitable for a drug company to
> make. So, the government steps in and makes it
> possible for the drug company to make the drug and the
> people who are afflicted with Pyphoria are helped.
> Isn't public health a benefit of government?

***Drugs are "orphaned" because the patent system makes some too expensive...
when the
govt steps in they decide who gets help and who does not... work better left to

stock market crash of 1929, before
> > government policy caused the
> > depression.
> Didn't unbridled unchecked capitalism cause the great
> depression? FDR is said to have "saved capitalism
> from itself" with his work progress programs that the
> Hamiltonians considered communism.

***Capitalism may have, but the fed reserve act of 1913 guranteed the bust of
1929... FDR
had excellent PR... check out Murray Rothbard on money...***
... which made inevitable the
> > end of slavery in USA. ...
> And the reason we had slaves was unchecked unbridled
> libido dominandi, and it was government to the rescue
> again.
***... well this is where it gets strange... the emancipation proclamation
applied only to areas
where the North had no power...which is an odd sort of emancipation... the
constitution outlawed any expansion of slavery, but the 13th amendment of the US
constitution expressly permits slavery in USA, the only limitation is only the
government can
have slaves. So no, the govt did not end slavery, and in fact, they made it law,
where it was
not before.***

> >So now we have an America capable of what the
> >revolutionaries fought, that Hamiltonian
> >imperial power. The Bushes, as do the democrats, no
> >matter who they run as candidate,
> >represent the Hamiltonian strain of USA politics.
> And what party represents the Jeffersonians?

No party...that is just it, just about everyone says they are jeffersonian, but
lives hamiltonian.
Just as orthodox confucianism is strong in Korea, perhaps orthodox jeffersonians
are strong
in say iceland.
