Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tell me how come?

Re: [spiers] Tell me how come?

Hi John. Im a follower of your group here strictly to try and learn anything I
can about business in general also. I wasn't able to take your class, but
bought your book online and read, well, most of it. May I ask you what you do?
I hadn't seen in any of the emails I read. Pardon my ignorance, and if its not
pertinent and you wish to not reveal your professional self to the class, I
understand. I was just curious, because it seems to me experience is the only
real education, especially when it comes to trying to set up a business, or to
do business for yourself. I like a lot of what you have to say, its
inspirational to me.

Thanks. Jason Gregory

John Spiers wrote:

On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 15:55:43 -0800 (PST), M A Granich wrote

> also one of those who “Has an idea”. ... I’m a state employee....
If I hang on for
> another 20 years, I’ll probably live OK on my state
> pension and a few other investments. ..., I keep trying to figure out ways to
> hang on to my day job while trying to get something
> else going. I don’t know if hanging on to the day job
> is wise or possible. Have you or John known anyone
> who has?

Yes, plenty, but they seem to be in jobs where the work is flexible... cops,
teachers, etc... also,
there is the sheer "conflict of interest" types say a city planner to be writing
rules by day and
consulting on how to get around them by night...

You mentioned state pensions... I think there are 2 problems USA faces in the
next 30 years, or
for as long as I'll be lving anyway, and that is China and pensions. Neither
has to go bad, but
the current administration is making a hash of both of these and I cannot see
any democrat
improving things.

I am assuming my 401K, along with everyone elses, and any other "retirement
assets" are all
enron-style messes that will not be there when I ought to be drawing on them.

On the other hand, I think the next 30 years is going to be far more interesting
and lucrative
than the last 30, because I am self employed.


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