Monday, March 13, 2006

U.S. Imported $4.6 Billion in Goods From Argentina in 2005

Hot off the press from US Census...

The United States imported goods from Argentina totaling $4.6 billion in
value in 2005. Petroleum products were a big portion of these imports:
over $1.0 billion was for crude oil; $276 million was for fuel oil; $768
million was for other petroleum products; and $124 million was for
liquefied petroleum gases.

On the export side, the U.S. sent $4.1 billion in goods to Argentina.
Organic chemicals ($408 million) and computer accessories ($348 million)
led the way. You can access information on imports and exports by end-use
codes for all of our trading partners by coming to the Census Bureau web
site and clicking on "Foreign Trade." Then click on "End-Use" and then on
the country of interest. The tables show 2001-2005 data.
