Monday, September 11, 2006

Sim Cards

RE: [spiers] Sim Cards

Hi Victor,

To use Skype you download it free online. Then get a pair of headphones and
microphone and you are in business. Skype is huge in China and well used
even in businesses there because the price is so very inexpensive.
World-wide calls are cheap, and if you talk Skype to Skype, it is free. So
now my daughter is in Poland, and if I call her we can talk long time free.
To use it you call from your computer...easily done by pressing the phone
number key board provided with the download. You can call others free who
are on Skype computer as well. Or, you can call any number including home
phones, and cell phones, from your computer, and they will ring and you talk
and hear great. What you cannot do is call someone with your regular phone
or cell to use Skype. You have to use the computer, but you can ring up
cell phones and home phones etc.
The numbers you call do not have to be Skype numbers, but if your relative
also has a Skype set up on the computer, and you call him while he also is
on his computer skype program, it is free. Other calls are only a few

Details and options are on