Thursday, December 20, 2007

Improving The Blogs

Learning something new everyday working on this blog thing, resetting priorities, learning tricks, two steps back, one step forward. I am convinced it is an exellent tool, properly structured, to advance my second book. There is a listmember assisting me, who I am sure will reveal himself if anyone asks.

I came up with a sort of shorthand today... one of the articles is about a Brazilian bishop who is resisting the socialist government plans to alter the environment without respecting the rights of those directly concerned. I wanted to say tag this "entrepreneurial religion" but that is cumbersome, especially since I'll be talking about entrepreneurial education, medicine, politics, etc...

So, I will use the tag eReligion, eCharity, eEducation, etc, when I mean people who are doing good while doing well. OK, eAnything is not original, but it will work here.

A theme I see emerging, and will support with examples, is people are losing confidence, withdrawing their consent from any and all institutions. Not govt, left or right, religion, law, medicine, academia, media, charity... none can be trusted or relied upon, especially the large and centralized. If so, then small and decentralized is a likely antidote, and I will be looking at examples to fit my preconceived notions.


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