Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Gold Nears $1000, Silver Crosses $20


We are told gold and silver are just another commodity. Then how come they are shooting up when other commodities are flat or trending down? When the rest of the market is dropping, why are they shooting up? Because gold and silver are not just commodities, they are money. For the last six months almost all news has said "buy now" regarding stocks. If you believed them, you've done poorly. If you knew them to be lying, then you'd act on it, double short all of the indexes, and now be up 30% since October 2007.

During the boom they were lying too, but you could make money going along, if you knew they were lying. I got in on at 23 cents and got out at $13 plus. I also closed out all positions in Feb 2000 and avoided the bust.

My point is not to say I know what is going to happen, I don't. I don't give advice either. None of these moves was due to my cleverness. It has to do with being self-employed, which features two important benefits: you are on your own, your mistakes are your own, so you are more careful, and skeptical especially when you need be, you also are careful to get your facts straight: gold is money.

Second is you are tied into to countless other small business self employed, and if you are like me, the vast majority are smarter and more successful. They willingly share their views. If I've ever made any money whatsoever, it is solely due to their perspicacity.

Get your business going.