Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I Tolerate Dissent

Recently someone asked me how many people who read my book or take my class are successful? I said "100%." I assume people take my class or read my book, or both, to learn about small business international trade, and so I have a 100% success rate.

No, No they say, how many people are successful because they took your class? Well, then... I'll have to say zero. Nobody is successful because they took my class. At best, I save them time and money getting to the point, that is, a viable business. With or without my class these people would be successful.

Had a telephone conversation today with a fellow who is moving right along, building a business based on high-end guitar cases, fighting the idea musicians want inexpensive cases. His premise is simple, "musicians care about their instruments, and will pay a premium price for a premium case." He makes in one country and sells in three countries so far.

This fellow dissents from my instructions inasmuch as he insists on developing a brand. I remonstrated with him not to do it, be he insisted. In fact, he made me give him ideas on how to achieve his goals. "How to" is all in the book of course, the part on "ad allowances" and proof of tear sheets.

Anyway, here is a fellow doing well while disagreeing with me. I like that. Hegelian dialectic and all that. He said he will keep in touch, so we may hear more. Check out his site. http://www.monocase.com/ As you can see I've made no visible contribution to this fellow's success, he obviously has his own passion, and has found an area where he can make the world a little bit better: guitar cases. At best I've saved him some time and money.