Thursday, October 2, 2008

Buffett Repeats Trope

Here he goes again, this time on Charlie Rose, calling a crisis for a certain regime "an economic pearl harbor." Of course Charlie Rose, who owes his job to government monopoly would not asked "who launched a sneak attack on us?" Charlie Rose has his job because he would never ask such a question.

We are also being told the banks suffer from "toxic investments" as though they have been poisoned from the outside, as though they are victims.

They have changed calling theft from bailout to rescue, because everyone wants to do a rescue.

I was wondering who would be the Bernard Baruch of this era, and it is Warren Buffett. Baruch was the Buffett of his time for his sagacity, and he also talked up the market as countless people followed his advice into financial ruin in the depression. Baruch got richer doing the opposite of his advice to everyone else. Say it ain't so, Warren!