Wednesday, October 1, 2008

When Your Child Is Ill...

And there is no cure, remember today the senate passed the billionaire bailout bill and the money was directed away from the free markets and into the hands of billionaires, to save their system. The effort will fail, the money will be gone, and you will have less than you need. Also, the SEC extended the ban on shortselling, or the ban on protecting your money from theft by billionaires. My positions are grandfathered in, but the government says it is too late for you.

Of course they can get away with it, because the vast majority will vote for Obama or McCain, and as Obama kept saying to McCain in their "debate" ... "We are saying the same thing." Exactly. Obama would not be up there if he said anything else.

It is not going to be any fun living with people becoming progressively poorer.