Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Democrats to Investigate Their Victims

We must keep in mind that we have no insurance in USA. Insurance is about minimizing risk and sharing loss, which means prevention. In a free market insurance companies come up with ways to limit loss, because as they pay out less through smarter advice and overage, they make more money.

Insurance is critical to a free market, so it was hijacked by government. Now it is strictly amortizing risk. Take in 4, pay out one, keep one and one for overhead.

Since socialism cannot calculate costs, socialized industries such as "insurance" just guess high. Government dictates what insurance companies must offer. one of the high costs of health care is Big Medicine lobbies congress to require quackery be covered by insurance. You pay for things you don't want or will not use. At the same time, there are people who are using medicine they do not need. Either way, the costs go way up When more money comes in than is needed, they spend it, on private jets and trips for congressmen and insurance commissioners.

Now the democrats want to investigate these lavish lifestyles. Why not just deregulate insurance?

Do you have homeowners insurance? if so, call your agent. Say you may be losing your healthcare coverage (which may very well be true.) Ask if they have any coverage available short term, for say six months, while you search for alternatives. Tell me what the insurance company tells you.