Sunday, October 18, 2009

Russia To Learn From China

According to this article, the Russians are comparing notes with the Chinese on how to run an economy. India copied the Chinese autonomous free trade regions, so I Russia follows suit, make that the third socialist country to permit free trade.

Fascist countries, such as the USA, cannot tolerate free trade, so I am not confident we'll see the peace and prosperity being experienced by China right now.


Anonymous said...

No country touts the benefits of free trade more than America, yet there is no country like America that tramples on the fundamental principles of freedom.

American big business wants unfettered market access in periods of economic growth but runs to the government in times of contraction. Americans simply cannot have it both ways. Any adherent of free market theory must be willing to pay the price of freedom, which in a downturn can mean bankruptcy.

Propping up big business with federal bail outs only takes hard-earned money away from successful small business owners and hard-working middle-class folk and gives it to bad businesses.