Thursday, October 8, 2009

Taxes Killing Small Business

A $60 car rental is jacked up to $92 cost to cover the taxes, which go to pay for wasteful boom economy infrastructure. Since the weather is gorgeous, I decided to cut costs by simply camping out, so the motels lose. Now the govt which seized Indian lands to make state and national parks once promised to keep them free for the people (the cost of "free" is borne by the indians who were ripped off). I recall how US Media in the 1960's mocked the Soviets for requiring hunting permits, and even camping permits. Well, we are there. Not only are the parks not free, they are $35 a night! Private parks are now cheaper, so perhaps the state parks should be auctioned off and turned over to private enterprise.

Michael Lind at is not happy we do not have universal health care. He calls for fascism to solve this problem, with a loss of small business not too high a price for Michael Lind to pay.

to wit:

"Is there any way out of this trap for liberals who wish to preserve (as I do) a relatively generous legal immigration policy, even though the diversity that results continues to undermine support for redistributionist social insurance and safety net programs? Maybe. The solution may be corporatism or corporate paternalism -- by which I mean the mandatory universalization of private employer benefits. If the politics of ethnic diversity makes movement in a universalist, social democratic direction impossible in the U.S., then the alternative might be to mandate that all employers provide certain benefits to all employees, with no exceptions. The costs of such unfunded mandates might drive some small businesses out of existence. But small-business owners are the most vocal opponents of wage and benefit reform in the U.S. The replacement of Scrooge & Marley by a smaller number of bigger private and public employers who treat Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim better would not necessarily be a tragedy."

It would be, in ways Lind cannot see, so they do not exist.

The state of Washington has ruled online courses must be taxed. Well, the margins are so narrow that I cannot compete with people in states that do not tax such courses. Ergo, I must move my business to say nevada to remain competitive in Washington state. Another small business hammered.

A real block to recovery is lack of freedom, freedom to contract and from from pointless interference. This recession will last 25 years at least, although small business is still the best bet.