Monday, March 15, 2010

Harry Reid Explains How Not To Pay Taxes

Jan Helfeld does yeoman work revealing internal contradictions of his targets, but here he ought to have let Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid explain his point: Reid says taxes are voluntary because there are enough loopholes to legally get out of paying any taxes. Now Reid is thinking of big biz in USA when he makes that statement, but it is true of small business as well. If you look at the income statement of a business, there is the income, which is where your customers have found what you offer is worth more to them than their money. Take out costs of goods sold. Then you have gross profit. Next comes overhead, what you spend in your business. What is left is net profit, before taxes. Instead of focussing on net profit, which is really just what is left over, we ought to focus on the overhead, what you live on, what you spend living your lifestyle.
Being self employed means you can largely avoid taxes, as Harry Reid was trying to explain to his interviewer. Sometimes your target has more interesting things to say than you might think. I can see why the people of Nevada love Harry Reid. Listen carefully as Reid points out how people who are employees are trapped in the sort of lack of freedom taxpayers experience in Europe. This video is fascinating.