Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Well now here is another article from the same source... there is an opportunity to subscribe to this email service out of Hong Kong, and I recommend it.  Here is a quote which in a nutshell explains why Hong Kong is getting richer and USA is getting poorer:

Hong Kong’s legal climate couldn’t be more conducive to opening a franchise, according to Robert Esser, Managing Director of Pantry Magic. “The lack of regulations for franchises in Hong Kong has been great. It’s not complex. Our business is governed only by our agreement with our partners,” he says. 

Full article here.


Edward Lambert said...

It´s a joy to hear this... I started 3 businesses in Chile...

two of them were consulting type... These were actually fairly easy to set up and get going...

the other was a peanut butter business... this was difficult to start... the red tape, the waiting on the health dept, the regulated printing of forms, registration fees, and so on... It was like a 3 month process... and not easy to sell the product in all places either

There is a real drive by the Chilean govt now to make business start up easier and faster...