Friday, September 17, 2010

Goats On the Roof

Sash points out Patent Attorney and IPT critic Stephen Kinsella has reported on a rather bizarre example of IPR enforcement...  as is often is the case, the comment section is a good as the article... One theme in the comment section is "if we don't have IPR, there is no incentive to innovate."  More conditioned reflex, I am afraid.  Hmmm... how did the rest of the world make all of those innovations before the white man came up with IPR, a century or so ago?

There has always been a mechanism for rewarding innovators and first movers.  It is called the market, and marketing.  In history by far the majority of innovation has used this and uses this now.  And what is best, it is customers who reward either the first mover of the copycat, depending which pleases the customer most, usually through continuous improvement and redesign.  At the heart of IP support is the dream/fantasy of never having to work again.  At the heart of innovators is the dream of a lifetime of ever-improving customer satisfaction.