Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Product Intro - Mag Lev

MagLev transport is the future, and we can use it now to jump start our economy.  Of course, this kind of activity has been usually govt funded, but the govt is happily bust.  So how to do it now?  Free markets, of course.

 I think there is one heck of free market solution to maglev in USA...  Gianni "the torpedo" Fuoco who has 20 acres in Elizabeth New Jersey, and Eddie Feldstein who has 20 acres in Long Beach California should announce the Great American Mag Lev Transport Co... and sell stock to buy up the land across usa to lay down mag lev transport.  Put their map up on the net, and let googlemaps show everyone who has property how they might sell out (or trade their home equity for GAMLETCO stock) ... of course obstinate landowners will find they have been bypassed, but in essence this would be the game.

We need to leapfrog the rest of the world in tech..