Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Six Billion Dollar Swine Flu Hoax

Flu vaccines are being offered again, in spite of the expensive dangerous hoax perpetrated last year by the medical profession. Vaccinations work, but they are dangerous when in govt hands.

We all want to believe doctors are a selfless lot, but they are just as oppressed as anyone else, even more so since they are so highly regulated, and want to go along to get along like anyone else.

Since the Catholic church is the only one that hears confessions of people's sins, they have quite a feedback system on what commonly occurs, and in turn they call to sinners's consciences.  Look what is included with greedy businessmen and greedy lawyers...

Catechism of the Catholic Church: 2537 It is not a violation of this commandment to desire to obtain things that belong to one's neighbor, provided this is done by just means. Traditional catechesis realistically mentions "those who have a harder struggle against their criminal desires" and so who "must be urged the more to keep this commandment":
. . . merchants who desire scarcity and rising prices, who cannot bear not to be the only ones buying and selling so that they themselves can sell more dearly and buy more cheaply; those who hope that their peers will be impoverished, in order to realize a profit either by selling to them or buying from them . . . physicians who wish disease to spread; lawyers who are eager for many important cases and trials. 322

(Although what an individual says in the confessional cannot be disclosed, alarming trends are reported in toto to bishops. In the 1650's Rome was awash with young widows, each whom had confessed poisoning her husband.  Investigations were launched, homicidal apothecaries discovered and arrested, and young widows were whipped through the streets of Rome, dishabille, for their impertinence.)

There are hoaxes throughout history, as outlined in Charles Mackay's book on the subject.  Once they get government backing they are disastrous.  In a free market, there is a free market of information as well, which keeps nonsense in check.

Doctors are getting perturbed that patients, especially parents, are trusting them less and less. With good reason... doctors are irresponsibly following the party line.  We need more doctors constrained by science, not public policy.