A phages is something organic that eats something else, so a bacteriophage eats bacteria. Much research has been done on these in the past, until big pharma system in USA shut it down. Some people say, in fact it is now accepted, at least some cancer is bacteria-related.
I first heard about bacteriophages from a student, who said they are plentiful... in pond scum. Yikes!
Out of the JFK murder conspiracy field comes a new lead, which is of no interest to me, except the witness of once young women as to research being done at the time:
But the little girl from Bradenton Florida still has up-to-date knowledge of the research being done today. "I still believe I could cure certain kinds of soft tissue cancers inexpensively," she says, "within five years, using modified bacteriophages." Bacteriophages are simple viruses that literally 'eat' bacteria, Baker explained, but they could be "genetically altered" to seek out certain cancers and literally eat them alive. "Bacteriophage therapy could also be applied to fight bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis," she said. "Resistance to antibiotics is becoming a problem that bacteriophage research could very possibly solve."
But Baker fears that as long as so much cancer research is financed by private pharmaceutical companies, that expensive chemotherapy will continue to be the center of research efforts, since bacteriophage therapy would be much cheaper and therefore less profitable. "We could have cured cancer decades ago," Baker insists. Because of the "profit factor," Baker believes that "if we ever develop an inexpensive cure for cancer, it will be due to independent research at universities, or in government-funded labs. An inexpensive treatment, such as one involving the direct use of bacteriophage, will not come from Big Pharma."
Hmmm... it sounds genuine because only a scientist can be so delusional as to believe government can come up with cures. (She doubts big biz will do it, so she doubts all biz can do it... problem is, small biz is alive and well coming up with cures, on kitchen tables. Not illegal for now, and good to know.
It ain't science unless is it valid and reliable: that is, you are testing what you are testing and everyone gets the same results. Cold fusion is not science because although they are testing cold fusion, no one else can get the results of the first people to test it, no reliability. Measuring the lumens of a lamp to determine how much energy is used is not valid, since light emission and energy have little to do with each other in lamps, but the results of the measurement will be reliable. Darwinism is not science since the measurements are not valid and the results vary. Point is, refereeing science is huge, and right now we leave it to government, a job we should not pretend they can handle, and in any event, govt is always captured by they whom they regulate.
What is needed is a version of open source research, in which independent judges study the validity and reliability of kitchen table scientists, and compete with the big pharma monopolies. Of course, some idiot is going to kill himself and a few others with something nasty, but we have worse with govt control inasmuch as we have the HRT hoax, swine flu hoax, thalidomide failure, the Tuskegee and south america syphilis experiments, and the anthrax attack of 2001, among countless other examples of big govt/big pharm disasters.
The field os small business medicine is huge and largely untapped, with opportunities to employ countless people.
Documentary film: Cancer: the forbidden cures.
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