Dropped off a pair of boots to be reheeled, and had my cole-haan loafers rejected as too far gone... sigh... I work my shoes hard... the cole-haan were 8 years old, resoled I don't know how many times, and prolly $120. I also have a pair of 25 year old allen edmonds that were probably $250 way back when, and if you could find the style would be closer to $400 today. So what was the better deal? The more expensive shoes of course.
I noted there was no cobbler between Capital Hill, Wallingford, downtown and Magnolia in the Seattle area... he finished my comment... the whole queen anne area is unserved, probably 100,000 people. He said the econ boom destroyed cobblers since shoes became a disposable item. During the boom years he made keys and sold shoes abandoned to keep open, and happily his space was tiny. Now business is booming for him.
If someone wants a career in a trade for the next 30 years, apprentice to a cobbler, and then buy the business from the profits (pay the retiring owner $250 a month?)...
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