Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Burning Down The House IN Tennesee

Big story a fire department let a house burn for lack of payment of the $75 fee.  The firemen standing by doing nothing, were just doing their job, like most city firefighters most of the time: nothing.

People are saying this is what would happen if we did not force people to pay for government services.  What is missing is what would happen if there was competition.  Would the free market provide fire service at $2 a year?  Would the insurance company covering the house pay the fee?  What we cannot know is what would happen if we did have freedom to contract, and freedom from govt monopoly.

Most firefighters in USA are hardworking men and women.  And volunteers.  The vast majority covering most of the USA territory work for nothing except the honor of serving their community.  Firefighting was something one did, like a charity or the Red Cross, helping out in a disaster.  No volunteer firefighter would stand by and watch a house burn because he did not get his $75.  Only a government worker could do something so cold.  Perhaps police and fire could be returned to volunteer status.