Thursday, October 7, 2010

Microsoft Wants To Be the TSA of the Internet

Microsoft always was a creature of government.  If you trace the growth of govt from 1980 to now and microsoft sales, they track remarkably similar.

Something like 60% of Microsoft sales come out of one box, Office... a software program that governments actually buy, and issue to every govt worker so those legions of non-essential workers can surf the web for somethign to do while at work.

Pernicious disease outbreak is associated with war.  You can inoculate and vaccinate all you like, but if there is war, something else, one of the billions of available nasties in our systems that you have not prepared for, will take over our war-weakened immune systems.  Death to countless noncombatants! The public health model pretends it fights disease by loading people up with chemicals when in fact it is just a free rider on the peace movement.

Disease is a big factor making people anti-war.  If warmongering politicians want to lessen objection to war, then setting up a pretend prophylactic system makes citizens less resistant to war.

If there are not enough disesases then public health officials will spread them around, such as the Centers For Disease Control (or its predecessor)  in USA did in Tuskegee and South America, to name two known events.  The flu hoaxes of the last couple of years were compliments of the CDC.

As Microsoft fails with big govt (live by big govt....)  Microsoft has come up with a plan that matches all of the above.  First make a software product that invites disease by designing software that has no protections against it.  (Hey, on a PC no one is really doing any work anyway... it's not like people who use Apple Computers.)  Then when the problem is real bad, propose to grab more control by solving the problem you made.

Microsoft proposes to set up a public health style system to control who goes on the web.  You have to let the govt search your computer before you connect to see if you have any viruses.  They won't say it that way, but when the govt goes into your computer, you have no more of an idea what they are doing than when they load you up with chemicals, for your own good.

If there is a problem, then let the people who suffer, the customers of the ISPs, buy a solution that the free market offers.  Just as the airlines are better equipped and more motivated to keep their planes safe than the TSA, so are the ISPs than Microsoft and the govt regarding virii.

And just like the people who believe themselves otherwise unemployable and take a job looking through other people's things in a country where it is unconstitutional to do so, Microsoft finds itself otherwise unemployable, so suggests it becomes the TSA of the internet.