Monday, October 18, 2010

Feeling No Pain

Out of the depression, caused by foolish government policy, came countless safety net programs.  Now if one objects to safety net programs, the immediate reaction is "you want people to starve!"  Well, no.  I think we will see in time these programs, now put to the test, merely kick the can down the road, at which point we'll see far more sever problems, and perhaps even people starving.  But I have been too optimistic about these things, and I would like to focus on a present problem from social safety nets.

Right now I could put ten people to work on a project I think would pay very well in time, if not make people rich.  But I must pay a minimum wage.  Restaurants are getting around this by having people work for free, recent graduates from culinary schools who have no chance of working for money, so try to build a resume by working for free.  Since volunteers are 5 deep, no one dares ask for pay.  

Nobel laurels have been given for proving unemployment benefits lengthen the time one is unemployed, proving a grasp of the obvious is important in the nobel contest.  The problem is we who need help now must wait until disaster is upon us, to get a little help.

The disaster, when it comes, will be all the worse since we are making things worse encouraging people to wait.