As you read this story, think about how we do our work. Say our mission is to improve the pencil, because we experience some problem, and come up with a solution.
Our first task is to start at the end, the place where pencils are sold to the consumers, and discover if our idea is good, and is not otherwise available. By persistently pushing our question to an answer, we necessarily work our way back deep into the processes that yield the item in question, in this case a pencil.
Doing so, we learn much about the field we propose to enter, enough to in fact enter.
I've used the pencil because this excellent little story is available. This could be applied to any product, any time, and new ideas, such as sending an iPhone into space, and getting it back.
Think of all the problems hey encountered, all of the solutions that could be offered, for all those who would like to do the same.
In any event, we find the best place in the world to have our item made, we get samples, and return to the store. We show our item to those who said it was a good idea, and did not exist. Now you've shown yourself to be able to answer question #1 of every specialty buyer, "What is new...?" and not only that, have it made in the best place in the world. There is more, as we will learn, but so far, we are off to a good start.
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