Saturday, February 5, 2011

Anthony Inquires As To Pareto Principle

Perturbility rate, I first read about it in relation to a criticism of BART, the bay area rapid transit system, and how come it was such a costly mess...  too much new...

what is funny is if you google perturbility rate the only thing that comes up is my blog talking about how you can find it on a  google search...

When things settle down, yes...  80% of my money comes from 20% of my activity... but the problem is people take this and try to use it to manage for more money, missing the point that the less monetarily productive 80% may be where the wherewithal to produce that moneyed 20% comes from.  Think of an actor who makes 80% of his money working on stage 20% of the week, and teaches for  20% of his money 80% of the week.  he is  top actor because of his teaching.   He knows it.  If he also took gigs doing daytime tv acting, he would make more money but be ruined for lack of balance.  Something along these lines.  The pareto principle is probably like gravity: just a word we use for something we cannot quite figure out.