Friday, February 4, 2011

Selecting Product

In my courses I ask people what they would like to trade in, and why.  Often the answer has something to do with perceived ease or simplicity, as though there may be some disadvantage to a complex product, like surgeons' laser blades, or one complex by regulation, like wine, or troublesome due to say fragility, like glassware.  Esteemed are simple products, or cheap to send, like digital products.

Innovative products are necessarily using processes that are cumbersome, complex and unusual, in order to arrive at the initial product.  Over time innovation in the production process itself may respond to innovation and simplification, but to start, expect complexity.  (Complexity requires management intensive attention, hence less expensive management is key to innovation.)  IN any event, to be an innovator is to sign up for complexity.

In business paperwork and hassles are farmed out, and the cost thereof is borne by the customers. Therefore, paperwork or hassles or both are never a factor or a consideration. The process starts with a problem you experience now,  and then all flows from that.Holga 120-3D Stereo Camera with Built-In Flash and Brass Tripod Mount