Wednesday, February 2, 2011

China Does Another Judo Flip

The Wall Street Journal has an article on IPR, and US vs China relations.  Mish Shedlock covers it well with cogent commentary.  Aggressive force gets you thrown in judo, and the USA patent regime is illegitimate aggressive force.  The Chinese are using our force to throw us.  You can search intellectual property on this blog and find plenty from economists and patent attorneys explaining why IPR backfires and why we should eliminate it.  Further, they explain why no IPR works best.

USA got off track when, of all people, Thos. Jefferson recommended a patent regime to the founders, but with a twist: the inventor owns the patent, as opposed to Europe, the first to patent.  It has been downhill for USA ever since, locking USA in to an inexorable descent of war, militarism and big government.  Not to mention as Bastiat would note, what unseen good has been crowded out by the bad.  Check out Against Intellectual Monopoly, cited to the left.