Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mother Teresa As Top Cop

Christopher Hitchens wrote a book outlining what a wicked person Mother Teresa was.  I won't recount either his argument, which is puerile, not refute it, which is easy, but point out nonviolence in action.

One thread Hitchens hammers on is the fact that Mother Teresa in her time met and cordially embraced most of the world's leading villains:  The Marcos in the Philippines, Haiti's Duvaliers,  the Reagans, the Clintons, Charles Keating and so on.

She offered to meet with all leaders.  I think the worst leaders noted the reality:  if you meet her, the more wicked you are the less time you have got.  There is more under the heavens than is dreamt of in Hitchen's philosophy.  Sometimes, when you want a bad guy taken care of, send in a Saint.

And Hitchens has made a career of playing to the crazies, whipping up the angry and hurt.  He has a nasty bit of cancer right now.  I have a prediction:  Hitchens will make  deathbed conversion to Catholicism.  It would be just like him.