Saturday, June 11, 2011

Order Out of Chaos

An article on the remarkable progress of recovery from the devastation in Japan has a point in the comments section where a fellow inquires on the difference in progress in Japan and progress in Haiti.

I took a stab at the difference:

DW in Sundbury, The difference between Japan and Haiti is the Japanese have a Rule of Law, Haiti does not.  Japanese society developed over thousands of years, whereas the Haitians have had maybe 300 yeas of slavery, having been kidnapped out of their cultures and put into a lawless regime, that is French slavery.   In Haiti, as in so many places, the locals violently overthrew their masters to merely replace distant oppressors for local oppressors, something we see in just about every country on earth.  IN Japan, the Japanese are merely cleaning up the mess.  IN Haiti, the locals are undergoing a nonviolent revolution.  And cleaning up the mess.  When Baby Doc Duvalier presented himself to the locals so they might avail themselves of his experience in ministrations, they declined.  There is no government in Haiti, so we are seeing anarchy in the academic sense, and in the practical sense, order out of chaos.  This act of God has presented the Haitians the opportunity to introduce law.