Wednesday, June 29, 2011

TSA PornoScanners Are Completely Safe

I've refused every offer, on my doctors and dentists advice, to enter the TSA pornoscanners.  Once I was patted-down for refusing, and the TSA agent threatened far worse when I stated he had the power to search me, but not the right.  If and when a searcher every touches my peepee, I will call the police and swear out a criminal complaint on the spot.  After that, it will be a law enforcement issue.

While being processed at SeaTac last Thursday, the continuous TSA announcement assured us the porno-trons are completely safe.  There is plenty to dispute that.  And now comes evidence that the TSA knows they are not safe, just like when the cigarette makers knew their product causes cancer.

The airlines should be responsible for airline safety, not the government.