Sunday, August 14, 2011

Billion Dollar Business

Entrepreneurs see things everyone else does, but more for what they are, and ask the question, "how come?"  Then they work out an answer, then further come up with a solution.

In most cultures the merchant is looked down upon, precisely because the merchant upsets the powers that be.  The powers that be desire to dominate the underlings, and the merchant proposes to enable, promote, empower, satisfy the individual.

In the East where castes are specifically delineated, such as India and China/Japan, the merchant is 2nd from the bottom and very bottom, respectively.  In the West, it is only in USA where the merchant is given some respect, indeed, part of our culture is the applause for the self-made man.  The brits call merchant who made it to the top a "bounder" and the french "nouveau riche," both derogatory terms.  But USA does have a a group of people who think in terms of "class" and they tend towards the halls of power, and they use tax money to hire minions.  Those minions write the rules the rest of us live under.  We may have a classless society, but those in power do not think so.  One of the capitalist class's best kept secrets is they operate as a class.

Anyway, here is the hard observation.  I listened as a young person say, in relation to finding a house in a certain neighborhood, "I cannot wait for all those old people to die." I am sure it was just thoughtless hyperbole,  but in a culture where Oregon and Washington allow "physician assisted suicide", a contradiction in terms, this urge might be lethal.  Physicians have killed off hard cases throughout history, and society has given them a pass, never look too closely when a physician says why someone died. People look to physicians for solutions.

But right now in USA it is about a bankrupt government, so...

"Oregon’s and Washington’s assisted-suicide laws defines “terminal” as a condition which will “within reasonable medical judgment, produce death within six months.”(14) A prognosis of six month to live is also the basis upon which patients qualify for hospice coverage under Medicare.(15)"

The last six months of just about anyone's life is the most expensive, whether an elderly person dying of complications of disease, or an 18 year old motorcycle accident patient who does not make it. Well, if we can get someone whacked for about $100 by physician assisted suicide, that saves an easy $30,000 of eldercare to the state, not to mention the heirs get their cash faster.  Wait wait, there is more... if the estate is considerable, the state gets death tax. Consider it a tip for services rendered.

Although physicians generally will not perform the disgusting deed of assisted suicide at this new wholesale level themselves, yet, they offer no resistance to their political masters, who control their income.  When the politicians decide the definition of medicine, that definition attracts a certain set.  That set is not inclined to rock the boat they depend on.  Never mind "suffering" is just bad palliative care, and never mind what suffering there is has purpose and meaning in humans.

A lawyer has noted the rules promised to avoid children killing off their parents, for the inheritance, are not being observed.  Of course not.  Who did not see that coming?

The elders to be exterminated certainly have it coming, by voting and acquiescing to every war, welfare program and other detriment to peace and prosperity. Our present economic disasters are the fruits of their labors.  What goes around comes around.  But just because they have it coming does not mean we ought to deliver it.  Especially when there is a buck to be made defending their lives.  Allah favors the compassionate!

So how?  There are lonely hearts matchmaking services on the internet which match catholics with catholics,  jews with jews and the hopeless old men with foreign girls.  It is clearly crazy to own property right now. The vast majority of wealth in USA is in the hands of women, because they live much longer than their spouses.  Very many of them live in their own homes free and clear.

Who knows, but to some extent these elders have children who are unable, unwilling to support themselves.  Some of these children desire the death of their parents (usually mom) so they can inherit that wealth.  This is the kind of thinking from which most people shrink, but this is where the money is, in the measure it is true, it is profitable.

Intergenerational access makes elder lives better and longer.  Nursing homes foreshorten the lives of elders, and deny us the good of their companionship.

So create a dotcom that matches young, worthy busted families with an elder who owns her (most likely "her") home.   The young family moves into the house, and "Gma" continues to live there as well.  Everyone takes care of Gma.  The young family might even pay some rent.  In this way the young family can get on its feet, and Gma thrives better longer.  And instead of people driving through the neighborhood wishing g'ma dies so they can get the house, young families move in and help g'ma's live long and fruitful lives.

Now, a contract is written that in no way this residing family may be a beneficiary of the Gma's will.  Heck sake, they'll be bumping her off! And if the kids of Gma are heirs, that does not change.  So what we have is a natural tension in which the residing family wants Gma to live as long and well as possible, and the inheritors just have to wait until Gma dies a natural death before they get their inheritance.  Sometimes we need ways to keep honest people honest.

Of course a doctor will determine when gma must be hospitalized, or is in danger, and maybe a weekly nurse visit keeping tabs is part of the contract.  But most likely, gma dies with a grin on her face.

Of course there can be mischief in this system too, but where ever we are heading with this brave new world, we'd knock out 90% of the opportunity for mischief.

Anyway, that would be for someone with a passion to work out.  Someone should write up a plan, and then fly to eHarmony headquarters, and sit in the lobby until someone talked to me about a joint venture on this project.  10% of a billion is much more than 100% of nothing.