Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cobden Center has an interesting insiders view on no where for the rich to hide...  to which I commented..

"And no matter where you hide it governments are eventually going to have to seize it, just remember the better hidden, the easier for your agent to steal it.

There is one option, but it means making money, but not off money: to become a merchant.  Liquidate most, if not all, or your financial assets and buy the means of production.

It can be hard, but it is hands on.  You do take control.  I understand Mr. Baxendale just liquidated his company, but I bet he gets back in somewhere, elsewhere.

We need a wave of debt-free, flexible, innovative disruptive new businesses to replace those tottering or trapped, or both.  Joint venture with some some young thing who is breaking the rules and going forward.

The alternative is to watch your roll shrink, slowly surely, and then... poof!  it is counterintuitive, but the rule is when you are about to be overrun, get out of the foxhole.  Your chances are much better."


Anonymous said...

are you still monitoring radiation from Japan?
from another west coaster

Anonymous said...

oops! forgot URL