Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Black Guy Did It

The Economist magazine is the western world's party line for all opinions.  A strange magazine, no articles are signed.  No idea who writes it.  Now it has gotten around to blessing the opinion:  the black guy did it, and they have a picture just to make sure...

Again never mind Obama and his administration has embraced and extended Bush policies, and only Bush policies.  It is all Obama's fault.

Blaming minorities is a classic USA activity, the Boston Tea Party participants dressed up like Mohicans.  Indians did it.

Google results:

Blame Bush (8 years in office, plus his dad's 4 = 12 years) = 3.7 million hits

Blame Obama (less than 4 years in office) = 54 million hits

In fairness, Bush elder would have few internet stories, and Bush younger stories are dropping off the web.  But the Democratic machine does still blame bush to this day, incoherently since Obama policies are Bush policies, so the Bush number is still being fed.  Bush never got this much negative press when he was president, as bad as he was.

Of course, Obama is President of 1/3 of the federal government, chief officer in the executive branch, and he really has not much to do with anything beyond that.  Regulators are captured by the regulated, so big biz ultimately calls the shots.  The problem is not Obama, it is the American people, or our system, or both.

The problem is decency.  We need to exercise some decency.  Decency is in relation to standards, so maybe first we need to raise our standards.