Friday, August 19, 2011

So Get Self Employed

A friend of mine asked me last year what I would do in his case: He inherited about $100,000 in BofA stock at $24 a share, and then, a year ago it was about $12, so it was down to 1/2. I said sell it and put the money into gold. He did not. Now BofA is about $6, so he's lost 1/2 again, or 3/4s total. Had he sold the $50k BofA and bought gold, he today would have %75,000 worth in gold, instead of $25,000 in BofA. I bet BofA continues down and gold continues up. But who cares... what to do next?

I wrote a case study on importing, which is also a case study in making your own business teaching writing and consulting. You really can make $100,000 working off your kitchen table, but it will be the hardest money you ever earned. You can have the book for free, here.

If you can self-start, work very hard, you will be able to make money depending on no one else. Read the book, and tell me what you think.