Monday, August 8, 2011

Teach For America, Destroy Teacher Pensions

Teach for America is a program where taxpayers cover the $10 an hour to send college kids into ghetto classrooms, for now, and teach.  As more college graduates find no work, more will take the $10 an hour.  slowly but surely, teachers will be overwhelmed by these "volunteers."

I know several teachers, all with 20-plus year experience, either being forced out, are under disciplinary action, or find their work being constrained to an intolerable degree.  Wait, every teacher I know is experiencing this.

Govt pensions are ponzi schemes.  When the money stops flowing in, the scheme comes crashing down.  When the teach for america kids becomes a critical mass, the education pensions will falter, and fall.

If you escape teaching, and start your own business, you will learn the hard part is not taxes, but regulations.  Here a teacher is crushed after developing a product the market likes.