Sunday, August 7, 2011

War and Delicacies

My my my, it has the sophisticated bitterness with the heavy cream and brown sugar notes I add. What makes it better is chicory, which was added during the war between the states, when coffee ran low.  It is one of those many delicacies that enter the food chain in times of distress.

Wars got people stealing truffles from pigs, eating sea anemone roe, and trying cheese and beer.

Marc Faber sees war coming, the real kind, where USA citizens in general suffer, a draft, and all that kind. It does tend to undo the damage of the boom times, by destroying the excess production capacity, misallocation and malinvestment created in the boom times.  (The damage is done in the boom times, the bust is just where the politicians decide who pays. You.)

Being self employed you'll be constantly trying to work with what is available to meet the needs of people generally going without.    Who knows what wonderful thing you will introduce into the marketplace.