Monday, September 26, 2011

Charles, Oliver, Richard, Charles, James, William and Anne

Samuel Pepys lived through all of those leaders, a rather tumultuous era.  King Charles was beheaded in a revolution in which Oliver Cromwell took over power, Cromwell past it to his son, Richard, who really did not want it, so Charles' son Charles was restored as King of England, when Charles died his brother James took over, but he was so disliked his son-in-law, William took over, and when he died, his sister in law Anne became queen.  And more, during these times plague wiped out London a few times, and the city burned down. Pepys managed to keep his head while so many others close to the crown lost theirs, literally.  Pepys is famous for writing it all down. I just finished a book about Pepys by Claire Tomalin.

Today half believe of the USA citizens believe the US Govt is an immediate threat, a clear and present danger to themselves.  If history is any guide, the per cent has to rise quite a bit before anything happens, good or bad.  There simply is not enough dissatisfaction for any meaningful change to begin. All of these leaders, at one time or another, failed to pay their sailors, when the navy was the only game that mattered.  Sure there were riots, but so what, plus, USA is not there.

Do not expect any changes.  Only rely on the fact we are a long way away from any changes.  Things will get slowly worse, the standard of living dwindle, but we can take ever so much more abuse.  Wars were constant during this era, like it is now. Self -employment is your only hope, your property, paycheck and pension are in the sites of the powers that be.  Self-employment is the only defense.