Sunday, December 18, 2011

How USA Works In Egypt

Egypt, which once fed the Roman empire,  is one of USA's chief buyers of USA grain. USA taxpayers subsidize exports to Egypt to the point that Egyptian farmers cannot compete, therefore they go broke.  Now they can grow wonderful cotton, and make garments and export that back to USA, but that is not permitted by the USA Government.  So there is a downward spiral of the Egyptian economy, and now it is said "Egypt cannot feed itself."  One in Six Americans are on food stamps, so clearly Americans can no longer feed themselves.

The Egyptians know this, and want to be free of it.  But the Egyptian military dogs know their master's voice. If you say "sic 'em" and your poodle bites someone, isn't it your fault?  The United States taxpayers, in order that the thugs who get elected to office in USA can have some little excesses,  fund the thugs in Egypt who strip and stomp women protesters.  You paid for this, and demanded it when you voted for Bush, Obama, McCain, it does not matter who, this women was destined to be stomped by USA-backed Egyptian security when you voted for any of the above.  One cannot extricate one's culpability from their vote.  Have you demanded impeachment of your murderer-in-chief?

The tear gas used on peaceful demonstrators is supplied by USA taxpayer's money to the uniformed thugs in the street.  The gas is called CS gas.  Our govt spokesman says the gas is safe, and there is no evidence of misuse of the gas.

Mark Toner: "Well, it’s – again, as I said, these are — this tear gas is approved for export to many countries around the world. It’s used by police forces in many countries around the world including our own..."

Now that is interesting.  You mean USA police use CS gas on civilians?  Why yes, it is true.  It was used on USA civilians at Waco.  Oh, and in Vietnam too.

If you look at this story, and see the photo of the woman stripped and beaten by USA supplied soldiers, and you do not like it, then certainly do not look at the video at the end.  A USA-backed poodle jumps up in the air and stomps the woman on her chest with both his feet.  We pay for this. But you knew this when you voted for McCain or Obama.  As long as you can have your welfare check, OWS, or your wars, Tea Party, then all you have to do is hope "the right people get elected."  It is a false, self-serving dilemma.

But if you do like seeing women beaten, here is a Seattle Police Officer socking a woman on the jaw.  She jaywalked.  Of course, he was found justified in doing so.  By the police and mayor.

There is no longer any class, any decency, at any level of government in USA.  And our poodles learn from the master.