Saturday, December 17, 2011

Raymond Inquires as to China Tariff on US Autos

I read this today and was just curious of what your thoughts are..
I personally don’t know what to think but 21% is a bit excessive..


When I was buying from China in the late 1970s, duties on Chinese goods started at 50% and commonly ran to 100%, and sometimes 150%.  China trade grew anyway.  The USA government offered to the Chinese to reduce the duties if they would “liberalize” their economy.

This is a skirmish.  Mexican avocados are not permitted in USA to protect California avocado growers from competition.  So Mexico looked down the list of USA ag exports to Mexico, and found USA apples were the same size market in Mexico as Mexican avocados are in the USA.  So Mexico retaliated by banning apple imports (USA exports) into Mexico.  It is how the game is played.

In China it is import cars vs export tires.  China is more free market than capitalist. The trick of capitalism is to condemn people to slavery by making their debts so onerous they are stuck working for you for life.  Haiti is poor because its debts cannot ever be repaid.  The Haiti elite are Harvard educated individuals who work with their cohort they met at Harvard.  This cohot controls the commanding heights in Haiti.  These people keep the outflow constant, and their people oppressed, and in turn they are protected by, ultimately, the US Military. 

The heart of the game is debt, and debt service (usury, or what we commonly call interest).  We promise a country that we will build them a dam and modernize their country through electrification, on credit.  We overbuild, and the electrification does not modernize the country.  The debts are rolled over, and the usury (interest we call it) is payable in perpetuity.  Haiti cannot ever get out from under what they “owe” the French.  The elite in these countries are all trained at the best western universities, and they are linked to the leaders in the dominant countries.

The plan was to enslave China for USA capitalists.  Communists know that game.  There is a counter to the game, and China is running it (free markets).  Further, China is too big to swallow.  These little trade disputes grow into wars.

The capitalists overplayed their hand, and their system is failing.  USA citizens will suffer, but it does not matter to the powers that be, because they would rather rule over hell than be a grocery clerk in heaven.  They will keep us in hell where they can rule.

This is not only done to foreigners, but to USA citizens: the mortgage debts are meant to enslave, and student loans cannot be bankrupted, a guaranteed slavery of our best and brightest.  But there is a way out of both problems: join the US Military.  Banks cannot foreclose on active duty military, students loans are paid by the military if you join. Coincidence?

If we want to be free, consider interest agreements like gambling debts: they have no standing in law.  No court will listen to a claim for a gambling debt.  When no court will listen to a claim for interest payments (usury), then the abusive system comes tumbling down. There is nothing that cannot be financed without usury, so we can easily afford to get rid of it.  But usury promises gratification now for payment later.  it is an easy sell.